Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Phonogram cues for written tests

The WPR cues show what clue is given to students to differentiate between phonograms such as aw and au.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Poem of the Month Due 11/25/15

by: Gelett Burgess (1866-1951)

    HE Goops they lick their fingers,
    And the Goops they lick their knives;
    They spill their broth on the tablecloth--
    Oh, they lead disgusting lives!
    The Goops they talk while eating,
    And loud and fast they chew;
    And that is why I'm glad that I
    Am not a Goop--are you?

Week of 11/16/15

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Challenging math questions

For each unit that we begin, I will upload a pdf file of math questions that will give an extra challenge to students. This is an optional assignment, which is why I will not be sending paper copies home. If students do complete these problems, they do not need to turn it into me. They can work on it during Lyceum if they bring in a copy. 

The above link has challenge problems for number bonds.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Welcome to Mrs. Kim’s First Grade Class

Dear Family member(s) and guardians(s),

            Welcome to the 2015 -2016 inaugural school year at Archway Lincoln Classical Academy!  I hope that each of you had a wonderful summer!  With the arrival of the first day of school, I am pleased to have this opportunity to introduce myself to you.  My name is Cindy Kim and I will be the lead teacher for our first grade classroom, along with our teaching assistant Ms. Rebecca Six. I received a bachelor’s degree in Family and Human Development at Arizona State University, and completed a master’s degree in Elementary Education at University of Missouri – St. Louis. Although it is my first year at Lincoln, I have been in the Great Hearts network for the last four years, teaching first grade at Archway Trivium and Archway Arete.  Prior to teaching in the Great Hearts network, I spent two years in St. Louis teaching Kindergarten. I am extremely excited to join Archway Lincoln, and continue to teach in the classroom that values learning. The wonderfully eager and curious students,  the warm and motivated faculty, an amazingly supportive group of parents, and of course the curriculum itself which challenges our students to new levels and open up our classroom to riveting discussions are aspects which I appreciate greatly about an Archway School.  

            We are also very fortunate to have Ms. Rebecca Six as our second teacher in the classroom. She is very thrilled and excited to join Archway Lincoln. Ms. Six grew up in Pennsylvania with eight siblings. Her mother, who has a liberal arts degree, homeschooled Ms. Six and all of her siblings from kindergarten through high school. Last May, Ms. Six graduated from Thomas Aquinas College in California with a liberal arts degree. Through her liberal arts education, Ms. Six gained a love of learning that inspired her to become a teachers, so that she could share that love with others.

As I prepare and wait in anticipation to greet and meet the incoming scholars of first grade, I am thrilled to be able to witness firsthand how these young students will not only grow in their knowledge of great minds but also find their ways to becoming great hearted scholars. I have set high expectations for your child and I will do my best to provide them with an exciting and challenging learning experience. If at any point of the year, you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

Thank you in advance for all of your support and I look forward to getting to know you and working with you throughout this school year!

Cindy Kim